Monday, May 3, 2010

It's a Monday and I'm in Warren, Michigan which is a surrounding town near Detroit. I am here on business. There are little things day to day that irritate me, but I should keep everything in perspective. I know you have heard this before, but we are lucky to wake up everyday to live life.

I was watching the local news here in Detroit, and I saw a story of a Detroit Police Officer who was killed in the line of duty. He responded to a house and a man shot the officer multiple times from the home eventually killing him. This reminded me of the three Pittsburgh Police Officers who were killed in the line of duty. I believe it happend in April of 2009. It was a similar situation. Officers responded to a call at a Pittsburgh home, when a man shot and killed the three of them from the house. I know police officers are everyday heroes, but this serves as a reminder of how brave police have to be to work in such a dangerous job. It's also a reminder of how lucky I am to still be alive. I have another chance to experience every facet of life. It's easy to forget the importance of living. We all have struggles, both personal and external.....hell....I struggled today. Even if we struggle, we have to see it through, and we must do our best to help ourselves and others. If I am having a terrible day in the future, I hope I read this entry. It'll give me some perspective to enjoy life.

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