Saturday, May 9, 2009

Another Weekend

I talked to some of my very close college friends over the phone the past few days. It's great to hear from them. I can't wait for my vacation coming up the first week of June. I plan on seeing my friends who live around the Chicago area. I feel that miss out on a lot when I have to work weekends here at the station, but it's alright. This is a great learning tool and this gives me experience.

Scott finished the 11 o'clock newscast early tonight. It's great not having a ten.

Hopefully we'll get out of this economic slump soon. It seems things have been picking up in the last month. Layoffs have decreased, but the unemployment rate is still very bad.....the worst in about 25 years. Oh well, have to stay positive and hopefully there's a new opportunity out there for me.

Anyway, back to work.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

My first blog

I am really excited to start blogging. I look forward to writing more entries in the near future.